The Google Answer Box
WHAT EXACTLY IS THE GOOGLE ANSWER BOX? It is essentially a snippet of content or information in a boxed format just above the natural rankings and it’s a chance by Google to try answering a question without people clicking through it. The main motive is to help the user get to what they need to know quickly. Google has identified 2 types of questions on the basis of which it presents the user with the answer box. There is the discovery intent which mainly consists of questions starting with what, how, why, where, and when. The other type of intent is purchase intent where the user basically wants to know the benefits, drawbacks, threats etc. of products or services. There are special techniques which digital marketers use to get their content to appear in the answer box. Seek Digital Academy provides SEO and SMO Training in Delhi and they can teach you how to get the zero rankings on Google. TRICKS AND TIPS FOR APPEARING IN THE GOOGLE ANSWER BOX 1. ...